The State of Texas is known as the “Lone Star State.” However, in the history of the Church Of God In Christ, Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is a tremendous demonstration of God bringing His people together to change lives.
Our History
In 1956 the state of Texas was divided into four jurisdictions by Bishop Mason: Texas Northeast led by Bishop F.L. Haynes, Texas Northwest led by Bishop J.E. Alexander, Texas Southeast led by Bishop R.E. Ranger and Texas Southwest led by Bishop T.D. Iglehart.
Bishop F.L. Haynes was appointed as founding Jurisdictional Prelate of Texas Northeast. Mother Bertha Polk served as State Mother in Texas Northeast and Texas Northwest. Texas Northeast purchased what Bishop F.L. Haynes called “The Home of the Saints,” prompting the name Saintsville as it yet remains today. Texas Northeast First Jurisdiction has been on the forefront of ministry in the Church Of God in Christ since its inception and has arguably been the largest Jurisdiction in the Brotherhood. At the passing of Mother Polk, Bishop Haynes appointed Mother Emma Barron as Jurisdictional Supervisor.
After many years of faithful service, Bishop F.L. Haynes passed away in 1977. Bishop J. O. Patterson, Sr., appointed Bishop J. Neaul Haynes as Jurisdictional Prelate in 1978. Mother Barron continued to serve with Bishop J. Neaul Haynes for many years. Under the leadership of Bishop J. Neaul Haynes the Jurisdiction grew up to over 400 churches. Due to the rapid growth, Bishop Haynes felt the need to divide the Jurisdiction. He voluntarily approached the National Church with a proposal, thus establishing Texas Northeast Second led by Bishop David R. Houston and Texas Northeast Third led by Bishop Frank W. Smith. After the death of Mother Barron, the succeeding Jurisdictional Supervisors appointed by Bishop J. Neaul Haynes were Mother Odessa Newman, Mother Freddye Carter, and currently Mother Pia Haynes Williams.
After the demise of Bishop J. Neaul Haynes, Bishop Charles E. Blake appointed Bishop James E. Hornsby Jurisdictional Prelate in 2015. Since his appointment, Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is progressing towards becoming one of the most effective and supportive jurisdictions. Texas Northeast First promotes, develops and empowers Christian leaders and congregations to positively impact communities and advance the Kingdom of God.