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Health & Wellness


As servants of Jesus Christ, our mission is to assist the jurisdiction in accomplishing its ministry, purposes, and mission by promoting physical, mental, spiritual health and wellness.   Through partnering with the community, we will provide health education, health awareness, health screening and resources to help improve the quality of life for the people within the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area.

We strive help improve the quality of life for all people.

Greetings from dr. verdell marsh

Thank you for visiting the Health and Wellness Departmental page of the Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction! We strive to foster health awareness and provide resources for health promotion, lifestyle behaviors and education.


We believe your health and wellness plays an integral part to your well-being and life can be more meaningful and purposeful in carrying out the will of God. Our Health and Wellness Ministry is also dedicated to your spiritual health.


We look forward to serving your healthcare needs! My prayer for each of you is that you, may prosper, and be in health as your soul prospers.

Community collaborative
How do I get involved in community efforts?

Texas Northeast First has partnered with the DFW FaithHealth Collaborative. Click here to for more information.

Community partnership

The Texas Northeast First Health and Wellness Department through our Prelate, Bishop James E. Hornsby, has partnered with the DFW Faith Health Collaborative. This collaborative is a sacred partnership between Baylor, Methodist, Children’s and Parkland’s Pastoral Care Departments. It is based upon the faith-health model at Methodist Le Bonheur Hospital in Memphis, TN. This is the hospital which took care of its most vulnerable patients by asking the support of the faith community.  This partnership led to developing a model of care for church congregations and people from the community who had no church home to receive emotional, spiritual and social support through accessing resources from hospitals. 


Pastors of Texas Northeast First are being given the opportunity to join in this partnership and to identify someone in their congregations to become the Faith Health Community Caregiver Lead.  The Lead is the person who will be contacted if a member of his church becomes hospitalized or if a patient who is not a member of a church, but lives near your church is discharged from the hospital.  The Community Caregivers and the Lead that you appoint will receive free training and learn transferable skills through The Faith Health Community Caregiver Training Program offered at Parkland. 

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